Saturday 13 October 2012

Ch 3 - L2 Personal Pronouns

The following table gives the personal pronouns.

In Farsi there is no difference between feminine and masculine, eg. he, she =
اوTo be polite one would say: شُما instead of تو and ايشان instead of او

2.1 Exercise
Make a flashcard for the 6 personal pronouns. Write them in Farsi. On the back write the corresponding English word.

2.2 Exercise
Read the following outloud:
من ما تو شما آنها او اشان او تو آنها من شما آنها اشان
شما او ما من تو او من آنها اشان ما شما من آنها تو او
ما شما تو او من تو او من شما آنها من ما تو شما آنها

2.3 Exercise
Translate Exercise 2.2 into English.

2.4 Exercise
Practise the personal pronouns with the help of your flashcards.
Change the order around. Swap between: English/Farsi; Farsi/English

2.5 How to use personal pronouns
a. Past-tense

b. Accustaive-tense

To try Supplementary Exercise 9 Click here.

c. Possessive-tense (describes ownership)

Ownership can be described in two different ways:

1. By a personal pronoun + a ‘ezâfe’-binding.
In the Persian language we can use a personal pronoun to designate ownership of an object, as shown in the left column in the table below.

2. By a possessive-ending.
Usually a possessive word ending is used, like the ones displayed in the column on the right in the table below. These endings are simply added to the substantive object.

In written form the following rules apply: